One-On-One With Jillian Elizabeth

For those of you who can appreciate stunning beauty, alongside some quick wit, a dash of charismatic charm, together with a healthy does of raw sexuality, have we got a treat for you. A bonafide up and comer in the glamor girl scene, is the bodacious Boston-based, Jillian Elizabeth. Stay tuned as we go one-on-one with this sensuous sex kitten and learn more about what makes up this delectable damsel.

Now that you’re enjoying success as a model, we read somewhere that you would like to try your hand at acting. What roles do you hope to play?
I really want to guest star on the Vampire Diaries or the Originals, those are probably my 2 favorite shows besides Pretty Little Liars. But movie wise, I’d love to play a superhero. The new Avengers movie was badass so that’s kind of like a dream role.

If you could star in your very own feature film, who would you choose to direct the film? Who would you cast as your leading man?
I would probably have to pick Matthew Grey Gubler to direct my film, not only is he a super talented actor, but he’s an amazing director. Huge criminal minds fan. For the leading role I would most likely pick Chris Hemsworth or Chris Evans.

Many girls in the industry are often compared to, or in some way resemble another who came before them. Is there any one model/actress that you’ve been compared to?
I can’t say I’ve been compared to anyone yet. I have gotten that I resemble Taylor Swift a few times and also Lady Gaga. I’ll take both, because I love them.

As a proud “Bostonian”, what would you say is the best thing about living in Boston?
Fenway park definitely. I’m a very huge baseball fan. The spring/summer season in Boston is absolutely beautiful. Plus my favorite club Cure is right near my work haha!

Most people who have never visited your hometown view it as a “tough as nails” kind of place. Is Boston as tough as people perceive it to be?
I personally don’t think so, but I can see why people would be apprehensive of coming here. But for the most part, Boston is one of the most amazing places to live, Boston strong!

Is your ideal guy more of a strapping athletic jock type, a suave intellect, or gut-busting comedian?
I actually don’t have a type. I just see what I like and I go for it. But, my ideal man is probably a nerd. Haha I’m quite nerdy myself, and I enjoy people who can appreciate a good conversation, as well someone who will go to Disney on Ice with me. Don’t judge a book by its cover!

What would you say most gets you in the mood to…well, you know what?
It’s no particular thing in general. To be honest, it just kinda happens.

Do you have any funny/creepy/cool stories you can share of a particular guy who maybe went too far in trying to win your attention?
Can’t say that I do. I did bleed on this guy once though the very first time we were intimate.. 🙈

What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
Went to New York for a casting call for Playboy, and I didn’t tell my mom haha. I knew she would have been mad, so I took my ex and my friend.

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of? Why?
There’s a lot of things I’m proud about. Ranging from all the shoots I’ve done, to being in an agency, to attending the Sundance Film Festival. So the list goes on.

What do you still hope to accomplish in the modeling world?
To just continue to grow everyday, to be published as an international playmate, or a Sports Illustrated model.

What is up next for Jillian Elizabeth?
I have a ton of shoots coming up in the next few months. I plan on traveling leading up to my birthday in June!

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