Unlock Mental Mastery

Train Your Mind Using the Puppy Method

The mind can be trained to do almost anything.

It can be trained, for example, to get used to any situation, like sitting in silence for a long time or concentrating on a task.

However, usually we’re training our minds to do what we don’t want: be distracted, give in to cravings and urges, complain, avoid discomfort, and procrastinate. We do this by rewarding our minds for these behaviours — if we do any of these things, we give the mind something pleasurable or comfortable. That’s exactly what we’d want to do to reinforce these behaviours.

Think about it: you’re not feeling like doing a task, and the ideal behaviour would be to open up to the task, see its importance, and stay focused on it. But the behaviour we normally do is put it off (procrastinate) and head to our favourite distractions. The distraction becomes its own reward, so this behaviour is reinforced.

We do this all day long. Every day.

What if we wanted to train our minds to do something different?

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