Take the Call

The Hero's Journey and Your Life's Quest

You are facing a crossroads in your life. One way is known, in which countless others have walked before you. It’s the safe route, where society and the masses around you offer clear boundaries and certainty. 

But you look around the crowd and with a glimpse of your eye, you catch something else. A path that leads behind the horizon, the road less travelled. A path that looks frightening, but at the same time interesting and curious. There is almost no one on it, even though you heard stories of others who have ventured on this path before you. 

Every single one of us has this kind of scenario in our heads, no matter where we are, no matter what we do. 

Your life has shown you the other route, the lane where not many people dare to walk in but in the beginning, you refuse the call to that adventure. 'The risk is just too great' is a phrase repeated in your head. 

It is where the majority of the world resides. 

It is Mark, the customer support employee at a large telecom company who is called by life to go on an adventure of entrepreneurship.

It is Jane, who wants to start taking dance lessons at 75 but is afraid of what others may think of her. 

It is Jack, who wants to write a novel but doesn't believe anyone will like his ideas or work.

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