Rewriting Your Story

The Subtle Power of Changing Your Identity

One of the most powerful switches I ever made when changing my entire life was switching up my identity.

And while I never did it overnight, I successfully did it in multiple areas:

  • I changed from a smoker to a non-smoker — and once I did, I stopped thinking of smoking as something to do when I was stressed.
  • I thought of myself as a marathoner. Later, as just someone who exercises regularly to stay fit and healthy. It meant that there was no question I was going to exercise, even if I fell out of it for a bit because of disruptions.
  • I became a meditator (and later Zen student). That means even if I stop meditating for a little bit, I’ll always come back to it.
  • I became a writer. Sure, before this change, I did write, but not daily.
  • I became a minimalist. Actually, before I decided to call myself that, there wasn’t really anyone else who called themselves “minimalists.” The purposeful change in identity allowed me to free myself of clutter and enjoy a life of less.

There are dozens of other examples: as a father, unschooling parent, early riser, reader, teacher, speaker, entrepreneur, someone who takes meticulous care of his finances … every time I’ve made a major (or minor) life change that stuck, I changed my identity.

It’s more powerful than most people realize, and it’s doable.

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