Quiet the Craving

Mindfully Coping With Urges and Addictions

Many of us have something that we’d like to change in our lives, but it can be pretty difficult to overcome addictions or strong urges.

The things we want to quit, and the urges we want to overcome, can cover a pretty wide gamut:

  • Addictions like drugs, alcohol, smoking, or food.
  • Video games, porn, Internet activities, phone usage.
  • Shopping, online shopping.
  • Sugar/sweets, cheese, sodas, potato chips, etc.
  • Chewing nails or other nervous habits.

Of course, none of these activities is necessarily horrible, but lots of us would like to change behaviours around one or more of these. Urges stand in our way.

So how can we deal with these urges and addictions? It’s tough. I’ve found that it takes a combination of mindfulness and behaviour-change strategies.

Let’s dive in and see how we can create a multi-pronged approach to coping with these urges and addictions.

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