Cameron Diaz takes off her clothes…finally

If you’re a heterosexual adult male, you’ve probably spent more than a little time wishing Cameron Diaz would make a movie called “Sex Tape.”

Well, you’ve got your wish, as the film opens this week. In the film, Diaz and Jason Segel (“The Muppets”) play a couple who, in hopes of spicing up their love life, make the title recording, only to accidentally unleash it upon the world. More than that, Diaz revealed in interviews that she will appear fully nude in the movie.

Certainly at 41 Diaz is at best approaching the Hollywood starlet expiration date, but for a star of her caliber this is a rather interesting, tantalizing revelation. Diaz still has plenty of sex appeal even at, at least for a woman, would be considered an advanced age.

Part of it is certainly the attitude she has had throughout her career. She’s hardly shied away from raunchy fare like “There’s Something About Mary,” a movie centered around the idea that everyone in the world thinks she’s hot, as well as stuff like “Bad Teacher” (where at one point she tells her boyfriend “I’m going to suck your dick like I’m angry at it”), and women-think-it’s-raunchy fare like “The Sweetest Thing.”

But aside from a few leaked modelling photos, there’s been little in the way of actual Diaz nudity in her 20-plus years. That all changes this weekend, and I think men all over will appreciate Diaz’s career in ways they haven’t since she became the object of a generation of teenage boys’ fantasies in 1994’s “The Mask.”

Is it the pinnacle of her career in her eyes? Probably not. But it’s a major milestone for many of us.

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