Whether trolling the malls, grabbing a quick bite at your favorite burger joint, or cruising the downtown strip, vaporizers can, and have been spotted just about everywhere. And why not? Such devices offer up a cleaner alternative for inhaling various oils and concentrate-based materials. By most accounts, a win-win situation for all.
Helping to revolutionize the industry, forever, and for the better, Revival unveil their ingenious creation — currently, the smallest vaporizer on the market. Small, sleek, yet powerful, the Revival device measures in at just 2.5” tall. Convenient by all imagination, this mini-micro of a gizmo compares in stature to that of your average lighter, while remaining adaptable to any standard cartridge. Packaged along with each vaporizer, is a 650 mAh Li-ion USB rechargeable battery — good for 4 days of heavy use.
- 20 W power, ensuring a strong hit every time
- Magnetic Adapter Ring used to attach cartridges
- 1ml HIVE Ceramic cartridge
- Aircraft-grade anodized aluminum construction