Anything can happen. Whether in class, grinding away at work, or just cruising around the block; untimely events can strike at any time, rendering you childlike helpless. Lending us a hand when such misfortunes arise, is New York based Best Made Co. with their ingenious Possibilities Kit. A clever name play? Why, yes, however this stylish “take anywhere” parcel comes armed with tools that can just very well save the day. Concealed within, you will find two aviation rings, an S-biner, a 3” D9 steel pry bar, a Philips-head screw key, a flathead screw key, a waterproof delrin capsule, 2 runt clips, and 5 key maintenance keys. We here at LFM like to think of this bad boy as the modern day MacGyver kit.
Possibilities Kit by Best Made Co.