Monkii Bars

You know deep down you can’t miss another workout, but you’re feeling to sluggish to lug your ass to the gym, what do you do? No problem, just whip out the Monkii Bars. Lightweight, portable and highly versatile, this genius invention uses a study 18-foot suspension line that handily stores within the handles. Anywhere you can find a door, tree branch, pole, or any other kind of stable surface, you can now catch a workout like never before.

Meant to challenge both your upper and lower body, users can enjoy such workouts as pull-ups, dips on a dip station, push-ups, flys, rows, and curls in addition to so many others. So whether at home, in the office, hotel room, park, or along the beach, you can enjoy these badboys virtually anywhere you can carry them and catch one mean workout session.

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