Model of the Week – Savannah Maria

Having starred in countless noteworthy print and online publications, the sultry Savannah Maria has secured herself as a strong up and comer in the modeling world. Well on her way to reaching her goals, we were fortunate enough to go one-on-one with the super-sexy model to learn more about her life.

Hair color: currently dark brown with red ombré
Eye color: green
Place of birth: Tennessee
Height: 5’2
Measurements: (US) 32, 24, 25
Dress Size: (US) 0
Shoe Size: (US) 6.5

Instagram: Savannah Maria

What do you do to stay fit and sexy?

I work out at least twice a week. I love to do toning exercises, and work my abs the most. Eating healthy everyday helps a lot, too! I try to avoid anything processed, and eat at least one apple a day. 🙂


What’s your favorite part of your body, and why?

My favorite part of my body would have to be my legs. Since I’m smaller, most people would think I would have twig legs, not so. I love my toned legs and calf muscles! I also like how they look defined and sexy in a photo shoot 🙂


What’s the worst pick-up line a man has ever used on you?

I don’t know about a pick-up line specifically, but one time this guy was trying to become a songwriter and wrote a song titled Savannah, and gave it to me to try and start a conversation. Does that count? Lol


Do you have a favorite female model?

I really like looking at Adriana Lima, the Victoria Secret model. Every time I see her pics, I’m like: gah, I’m jealous!


What’s the best movie you’ve ever seen?

Don’t laugh, but Magic Mike will ALWAYS be my favorite! I mean, what girl doesn’t like that movie?!


What’s your idea of a good time?

My idea of a good time is to have a weekend day off, and go to a Winery, or walk downtown Nashville and bar-hop — OR  — I would enjoy going to my Lakehouse and just kicking back and relaxing. 🙂


If you were alone on a desert island, what three items would you bring with you?

My cellphone is a must! I would bring mouthwash, and a bathing suit as well. You have got to have a clean mouth!


What is one quirky/fun fact about you that few people know?

I have never watched a scary movie. Not even Harry Potter!


Why did you decide to get into modeling?

My older sister has done modeling almost all of her life, so I decided to try it. This photographer messaged me one day, and said he wanted to test-shoot. That test-shoot became lots and lots of photo shoots. We shot enough pictures to start a portfolio, and that’s what started my career. 🙂


What are your ambitions and goals as a model?

My goal is to be a worldwide-known, petite model. I want to be published in as many things as possible.


What is one important piece of advice that you always follow?

I always follow my heart, and take my own advice. I know people say that your life is easier if you listen to wise people, but I’m the kind of person that likes to learn from myself, and make my own mistakes.


Did you have a favorite class in school?

I enjoyed study hall. Does that count? Lol


Have you ever asked a guy out, before? If so, how did it go?

NEVER! I don’t believe a girl should have to ask a guy. Guess I’m too old school. Ha!


What app can you not live without, on your smartphone?

Facebook and Instagram. Got to have both!


What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten in your travels?

My dad is part Greek, and we went over to his relatives’ house one time, and they had these green tamale things. They were gross.


Favorite TV show?

I RARELY watch TV, but when I do, it’s on Sunday night: Game of Thrones.


What meal do you make when you want to impress a guy?

Well, lol, I can’t really cook like a “meal, meal”, but I can make killer oatmeal and eggs. 🙂 Haha!


Dogs or Cats?

DOGS! My puppy, Tilly, is my favorite.


Vampires or Werewolves?

Neither! I hate anything scary. Lol!


Beards or clean-shaven?

Clean-shaven, always.


Physical or mental attraction?

Physical. I promise, I’m not shallow! Lol!


What is your favorite place in the world?

I will always love the beach! It’s so relaxing. Where I really want to go, though, is Australia.

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Photo Credit: Matt Kuhl

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