Fat-Blasting Finishers

With summer a few short months away, now is as good a time as any to obtain that beach ready bod you constantly obsess about. Step one – upon your next visit to the gym, do yourself a favor and skip the bulky machines that have you running like a rat for the next hour of your life. That’s right, time to do away with treadmills, ellipticals and all other hybrid contraptions that have you repeating the same mundane motions. Get ready for step two! It’s now time to dig deep and embrace “fat-blasting finishers”. These extreme belly blasters are short-term, high intensity movements designed to maximize workout density, pushing both mind and body to the limit. If shredding unwanted fat is your goal – variety is key, and these “finishers” work your body into overdrive challenging your muscular, aerobic and anaerobic systems to achieve just that.

Here’s a great workout try! (Note: for beginners, start with an empty barbell to get a feel for the movements)

The “Rookie”
Hang Clean 4×12 Rest 0
Deadlift 4×12 Rest 0
Military Press 4×12 Rest 0
Front Squat 4×12 Rest 60-90 sec

Be sure to check out the full-length feature with complete workout regimen on Lifestyle For Men Magazine:


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