5 Reasons To Avoid Her Like The Plague

So that girl you went out with the other night, still can’t decide whether or not to see her again? Here are 5 classic warning signs that suggest you run faster than the wind.

  1. She’s added your mates on Facebook you haven’t even told her their names but all of a sudden you have a dozen mutual friends! You’re mates are already laughing and a potential introduction will now lead only to embarrassment and humiliation and that’s if she hasn’t personally arranged to meet them already!
  2. She’s already calling you her boyfriend there are few things less attractive than desperation, you can smell it a mile off! If she’s calling you her a boyfriend after a week then she’ll likely have a ring on her finger by the end of the month. Time to start the car!
  3. The family’s pet rabbit sleeps with one eye open no one likes a bunny boiler. Watch out for the classic ‘where are you?’ and ‘who are you with?’ a sure fire sign of things to come. Tell her to go play detective with some other poor sap.
  4. She’s Turned Into Your Boss there’s nothing worse than a woman on a power trip. If she’s constantly telling you off or has planned out the next six months of your life she needs put in her place or better yet just change your number.
  5. She’s forcing you to try new things if you wanted to try yoga you would’ve done it when you were 21 not ten years later with your dodgy left knee. If she can’t handle your weekly game of 5’s and a pint with the lads then politely ask her to sling it.

Author: Paul Thomas Bell

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