In A Fitness Rut?

9 Ways To Break Out And Get The Zest Back

Ruts are inevitable. In work, relationships, fitness, and life — what goes up must come down, or at least level off. Call it the universe’s way of slapping us down or maybe it’s an inside cosmic joke that we are cruelly excluded from. Nothing shines forever and the workout that you couldn’t wait to do has become monotonous drudgery. Regardless of how strong your desire candle once burned, you will encounter times when it barely flickers.

This is unavoidable — and even that extra scoop of combustible rocket fuel, pre-workout, won’t change fate. Don’t feel down or guilty about your fitness rut — it is a part of a cyclic process. Your blah feeling is a signal that you need to make some changes. These changes have to come from within and specifically from up above — your brain will lead your body out of this fitness purgatory. 

Following are nine key ideas to keep in mind when you want to break out of your rut and feel excited about your fitness life again. These tips are for those with a workout history — not beginners. If you’re a beginner you have no excuse for burnout — so get to work!

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