What is SPF Sunscreen?

You may have heard of sunscreen a lot of times now, but you never really know what it is. Moreover, you might have a lot of questions regarding this cosmetic product. What are the uses of SPF sunscreen? Will this cause acne breakout? Should I only wear it when I go to the beach? If that is the case, do not worry! Read on to learn everything you need to know about SPF sunscreen.  


SPF Sunscreen 101

Sunscreen is a vital part of your skincare kits. This product will protect you from the sun. In a nutshell, applying sunscreen decreases the risk of skin cancer. Moreover, it prevents photoaging and the premature appearance of wrinkles, age spots, and sagging.


UV rays from the sun are very toxic to the skin. Exposure to UV rays causes melanoma or skin cancer. Moreover, it also causes photoaging, which means aging due to light. Thus, our skin needs sunscreen for it to look young and healthy as we age.


On the other hand, SPF stands for sun protection factor. It is a measure of how well the sunscreen protects the skin from UVB rays. The sun emits two basic types of ultraviolet or UV ray that reach the surface of the earth. These are UVA and UVB. UVA penetrates deeply into the skin and contributes to making the skin look older. On the other hand, UVB is the type of UV that causes sunburn. Both of these rays increase your chance of getting skin cancer.


To explain further how SPF sunscreen works, I will give you a specific situation. For example, your skin usually burns after ten minutes of being directly under the sun. If you applied sunscreen with an SPF of 15, you could stay under direct sunlight without burning for 150 minutes. These values are rough estimates, but a sunscreen’s SPF is the factor that determines how long you can expose your skin to the sun without physical damage.  


With that, applying sunscreen with higher SPF is better for your skin. Dermatologists recommend a minimum of SPF 30 for daily use and to reapply after every 2 hours. Sweat dissolves sunscreen, so it is crucial to reapply from time to time to maintain sun protection.


Who should apply sunscreen?

Everyone should apply sunscreen! It does not matter whether your skin is light or dark, or whether you tan easily or you do not. The UV rays of the sun do not choose their victim. Thus, it is necessary to stay protected.  


However, babies under six months of age have sensitive skin. The sunscreen formula may be too harsh for them, so they have to use other protection for alternatives. They may wear sun-protective clothing instead to guard themselves against harsh UV rays. 


When should I wear sunscreen?

You should wear sunscreen every day. Exposure to the sun will add to your risk of having skin cancer, even for short periods. Moreover, you should also apply sunscreen even when staying indoors, especially if your desk is near a window.



We hope this article helped you realize the importance of sunscreen in your daily life. Apply sunscreen daily to ensure the youth and health of your skin. Make sure to purchase sunscreen with at least SPF 30 for optimal sun protection!


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