VESSI Beer Fermentor and Dispenser

Every man dreams of brewing his own beer, and with the VESSI Beer Fermentor and Dispenser, it’s possible. The system does the hard work for you, providing your own special brew in as little as a week. It’s the only one capable of fermenting, carbonating and dispensing home-brewed beer in such a short amount of time. The pressurized, self-contained system is guaranteed to change the game of home brewing for good. It will cost you a pretty penny at $1,400, but we’re willing to bet that first sip will render it well worth it. Cold beer at your fingertips, what a concept.

 Vessi Beer Fermentor

 Vessi Beer Fermentor  Vessi Beer Fermentor  Vessi Beer Fermentor    Vessi Beer Fermentor

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