StreamPort Universal

STREAMPORTIsn’t it annoying that whenever you want to play music from your handheld device, like your phone or tablet, it has to be connected to your speaker system meaning that your handheld device is no longer in your hands, leaving you constantly having to attend to it to skip a track or limiting usage in other functions if you’re playing music from the internet. Wouldn’t it be easier if the music from your phone or tablet could be streamed without having to be connected? Step forward StreamPort Universal. This tidy-looking little gadget is smart in both capabilities and appearance. You see it does have the power to stream music from your devices to near-CD quality in just 60 seconds! Leave it there to do its job in streaming uninterrupted audio and it’ll provide you the freedom to continue tweeting, gaming or just browsing through your phone etc. It’s clever, it’s affordable and it’s compact meaning you can take it with you wherever you go.

The StreamPort Universal is available for £59.99.

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