Bat – The Levitating Wireless Computer Mouse


Ever seen an albino bat? No, nor have we. So this might be the closest you’ll come to seeing one (unless your next move is to Google albino bat). But this Bat – designed by Vadim Kibardin – is a clear white (it does come in black as well) levitating wireless computer mouse, as the title suggests. The new product from the Russian designer simply consists of a mouse pad and the levitating mouse that’s attached to a magnetic ring. The main purpose behind the design of the Bat is to prevent the contemporary disease Carpal tunnel syndrome (Median nerve dysfunction/entrapment), which the common mouse has been linked to. For those of you unaware of what Carpal tunnel syndrome is, it’s when a pressure is applied to the Median nerve in the wrist thereby restricting feeling and movement in the hand. The Bat helps improve the blood flow through the avid computer user’s arm by removing pressure to the Median nerve. We’re fans of people who create innovative products that not only look cool, but are designed with a positive purpose in mind. Now, about that albino bat…

For more information on pricing contact Kibardin Design.


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