We Are Your Friends

Maybe Zac Efron is a major tool. He certainly could be. He has the pedigree: frat boy looks, childhood stardom.

But for whatever reason he has managed to come off as quite a bit more likable than some of his contemporaries. Maybe it’s that he broke in and got with Seth Rogen on “Neighbors” that speaks to his ability to not come across as a complete douchebag.

His latest, “We Are Your Friends,” where he plays a wannabe Hollywood DJ, may not help things. But who cares, really? Maybe he’s a raging ass clown, maybe not. We may not see his latest movie because of him, but we just may see it for Emily Ratajkowski. If you are a straight man who doesn’t know who she is, shame on you, you mysognist pig, because you damn sure know her as The Naked Chick in the “Blurred Lines” video, and as Ben Affleck’s side piece in the thriller “Gone Girl.”

Wait…Affleck? Robin Thicke? Okay, so maybe her presence does set off the assbag alarm after all.

We ARe Your Friends 3 We ARe Your friends 4 We Are Your Friends 2 We ARe Your Friends 1

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