Bridge Over Water

An Artistic Manifestation of Privacy, Beauty, and Function

Nestled just a short distance inland from Singapore’s East Coast, the residence at Jalan Angjin Laut is an artistic manifestation of privacy, beauty, and function. At dusk, the home glows with a warm ambience. Recessed from the busy street below, the residence, "Bridge Over Water" conceals a dramatic entry behind its front facade of privacy screening and a cool grey wall at ground level. The three-story coolly tower above a stunning bridge over water, a feature from which the residence draws its name.

The existing property presented several challenges to the Hyla firm, who designed the space around the desire to create a retreat that partitioned the resident both from the external world and from the detached living quarters. A secondary goal was to provide in the design as large a swimming pool as could be accommodated. Given these challenges, Hyla employed its signature commitment to create a space that is timeless, functional and spatially dynamic.

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