Beyond the Ticking Clock

What Is Time Anxiety and How Can You Deal With It?

Do you worry that there simply isn’t enough time in the day to do everything that you want to do? If so, you aren’t alone. This is known as time anxiety, which is becoming an increasingly significant problem across the planet. Take a look at how you can tell if it affects you, and what you can do to resolve the issue.

All About Time Anxiety

We know that close to 20% of American adults suffer from some of anxiety disorder each year, but this covers all sorts of disorders, from general anxiety and social anxiety to specific phobias. There appears to be a lack of research into how many people suffer from time anxiety, which perhaps goes hand-in-hand with our lack of information on it, and the absence of a clear definition of what it really is.

However, it is easy to see that this is a major issue. We probably all know people who regularly complain about not having enough time. Phrases like “time poverty” and “money-rich, time-poor” have emerged to explain the situation in which people have good careers and are comfortable financially, but just don’t have enough time to enjoy life fully.

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