
The long-awaited reboot/sequel to a classic ’80s comedy series, it would be easy to view “Vacation” as a disaster-in-waiting, a bad idea from the…


  Adam Sandler has almost reached the level of Eddie Murphy: a guy who once made a bunch of good movies but now mostly…


It’s tempting to say Amy Schumer, comedian and star of the new film “Trainwreck,” is the “new sexy,” a reflection of the times when…


High-concept sci-fi is a troublesome beast. It’s not considered nerdy to watch (though really, that concept is kind of going away in an age…

Terminator Genisys

With an increasingly bizarre premise, new stars, and an aged Arnold Schwarzenegger, “Terminator Genisys” positively screams out “forced and tired! We are cashing in,…


Take four of cinema’s favorite things: dogs, kids, Marines, and true stories, throw them in a blender, pour and serve, and you have “Max,”…